KC-130 Hercules

Primary function: In-flight refueling; tactical transport
Manufacturer: Lockheed
Power plant: Four Allison T56-A-16 engines
Power: 4,910 shaft horsepower per engine
Aircraft: 97 feet, 9 inches (22.16 meters)
Cargo compartment: 41 feet (12.49 meters)
Width of Cargo compartment: 10 feet, 3 inches (3.12 meters)
Aircraft: 38 feet, 4 inches (11.68 meters)
Cargo compartment: 9 feet (2.74 meters)
Wing span: 132 feet, 7 inches (40.39 meters)
Maximum takeoff weight: 175,000 pounds (79,450 kilograms)
Ceiling: 30,000 feet (9,140 meters)
Speed: 315 knots (362.25 miles per hour)
Operating weight: 83,300 pounds (37,818 kilograms)
Total fuel capacity:
KC-130T and KC-130: 13,280 gallons (50,331 liters)/86,320 pounds (32,715 liters)
KC-130F: 10,183 gallons (38,594 liters)/ 66,190 pounds (25,086 liters)
Tanker mission: 1000 nautical mile (1150 mile) radius with 45,000 pounds of fuel (20,430 kilograms) (KC-130R/T)
Cargo mission: 2875 nautical miles (3306.25 miles) with 38,258 pounds (17,369 kilograms) of cargo (KC-130R/T) or 92 combat troops or 64 paratroopers or 74 litters
Landing distance: Less than 2,600 feet
Crew: 2 pilots, 1 navigator/systems operator, 1 flight engineer, 1 first mechanic, 1 loadmaster (total of 6)
Introduction date:
KC-130F: 1962
KC-130R: 1976
KC-130T: 1983
Unit Replacement Cost: $37,000,000
Mission: The KC-130 is a multi-role, multi-mission tactical tanker/transport which provides the support required by Marine Air Ground Task Forces. This versatile asset provides in-flight refueling to both tactical aircraft and helicopters as well as rapid ground refueling when required. Additional tasks performed are aerial delivery of troops and cargo, emergency resupply into unimproved landing zones within the objective or battle area, airborne Direct Air Support Center, emergency medevac, tactical insertion of combat troops and equipment, evacuation missions, and support as required of special operations capable Marine Air Ground Task Forces.
Features: The KC-130 is equipped with a removable 3600 gallon (136.26 hectoliter) stainless steel fuel tank that is carried inside the cargo compartment providing additional fuel when required. The two wing-mounted hose and drogue refueling pods each transfer up to 300 gallons per minute (1135.5 liters per minute) to two aircraft simultaneously allowing for rapid cycle times of multiple-receiver aircraft formations (a typical tanker formation of four aircraft in less than 30 minutes). Some KC-130s are also equipped with defensive electronic and infrared countermeasures systems. Development is currently under way for the incorporation of interior/exterior night vision lighting, night vision goggle heads-up displays, global positioning system, and jam-resistant radios.
Active: 37 KC-130Fs and 14 KC-130Rs (51 total)
Reserve: 24 KC-130Ts
Date last modified: 12/05/95
Modified on June 17, 1999