By Margaret Hart
July 4, 1996 - 8:30 p.m. (EDT)
Upon arriving this afternoon, we check out the dry pits, only to find most everyone and every boat gone to the boat parade. This is the price we paid for getting held up in traffic. But the holdup was our opportunity to see the Olympic torch being passed along on the streets of Sarasota - a once in a lifetime experience for me and the rest of the crew. But back to the action.
APBA has once again set up a great race venue on the west coast of Florida. More than 52 boats are here already, and more will show up tomorrow. The kilo runs are scheduled for Friday, with eight boats registered for the event. Those trying for a new record in five different classes include the Superboat Jaws (5); Ragamuffin (M-69) in Modified; C. T. Peppers (D-9), and Snapper Phantom (D-911) in D class; Secret Agent (C-6) in C class; and Ale House (A-3), Team Thoroughbred (A-27), Baby (A-41), and RainX Express (A-50) competing in the A class. The competition should be good. The weather has been cooperative so far, with no major problems expected for Friday's runs.
For the races on Saturday and Sunday, boats ready to race include Zerodefect, Harmsco Hurricane, Carlos and Charlies, Banker Racing, how Sweet it is, Mr. Technology, Subluxator, Jaws, Ocean Spray, Alcone, and many more. The Superboats will be putting on a show on Sunday with a guest appearance; not sanctioned racing but running fast, nevertheless. With the parking lot filling with Harleys and tow vehicles, I bid farewell until tomorrow.