SIG AMT/PE57/550
Stoner SR-25
Barrett .50
AR15/M16 FAQs
Bushmaster Armpistol
M96 Expeditionary

Generic Dim Trace
5.56mm, XM996, Dim Tracer Cartridge
7.62mm, M276, Dim Tracer Cartridge
Caliber .50, Dim Tracer Cartridge

Standard tracer ammunition provides excessive illumination/visual interference ("blooming" effect) to the user when viewed through night vision devices (NVDs). Dim Tracer ammunition provides the user community with a tracer cartridge which is invisible when viewed with the naked eye but is visible when viewed through NVDs and does not cause visual interference to the wearer of a night vision device. LIFE CYCLE PHASE: 7.62mm M276-PRODUCTION 5.56mm XM996-DEVELOPMENT Caliber .50-DEVELOPMENT ACAT: M276,-IV/ XM996 -III /Caliber .50 -III DPO/TEAM LEADER: D. Mancinelli/AMSTA-AR-CCL-BP/ DSN880- 6087 J. Middleton/AMSTA-AR-CCL-BP /DSN 800-6937 A. Sircar/AMSTA-AR-CCL-BP/DSN 880- 6397 CHARTER STATUS: In Process PROCUREMENT:

7.62mm, M276:
PRODUCTION: A Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract (DAAA09-91-Z-0009) was awarded to Lake City Army Ammunition Plant(LCAAP)
QUANTITY; 7,066,500 rounds.

5.56mm, XM996:
DEVELOPMENT: A Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract (DAAA09-91-Z-0009) was awarded to Lake City Army Ammunition Plant(LCAAP)
QUANTITY: 80,000to support DTII Testing.

Caliber .50,
Production: Unfunded

M276 7.62mm Dim Tracer Cartridge