Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology

Primary function: Provide Marines with protection from NBC contaminants.
Protects against: Chemical agent vapors, aerosols, and droplets and all known biological agents.
Protection period: 24 hours
Durability: 30 days
Concentration resistance: 10mg/m2
Length: Size dependent
Width: Size dependent
Height: Size dependent
Weight: Size dependent
Storage life: 10 years
Unit Replacement Cost: $253
Features: The Joint Service Integrated Technology (JSLIST) is the replacement for the currently fielded Saratoga chemical protected overgarment. JSLIST is a joint service chemical protective ensemble development based on a 1993 MOA between all four services. The Marine Corps is the lead service for the JSLIST program.
Inventory: AO 420,846
Date last modified: 12/14/95
Modified on June 17, 1999