- Aircraft, Vehicles and Equipment Factfile > Improved ECWCS Fiberpile Shirt & Trousers
Improved ECWCS Fiberpile Shirt & Trousers
Primary function: Provides Marines with a flexible means of staying warm in temperatures ranging from +40° to -25°.
Production Rate: TBD
Cube: .45 cu ft
Weight: .6 lbs
Unit Replacement Cost: Shirt - $65.17; Trousers - $65.17
Features: The shirt is a front opening jacket with long sleeves, hand warming packets, 2 breast pockets, and a zip-up collar. The trousers are a bib type with built-in suspenders that feature quick release fasteners and full length side zip for easy donning and doffing. The material is 100% polyester fleece and comes in several weights, depending on the thickness of insulation required.
Inventory: TBD
Background: The current polyester insulating garments retain moisture, are bulky, improperly sized and uncomfortable to wear. Fleece is a commercially available fabric that is lightweight, water resistant, quick drying, and famous for its comfort.
Date last modified: 05/21/96
Modified on June 17, 1999