- Aircraft, Vehicles and Equipment Factfile > M1 Mine Clearing Blade System

M1 Mine Clearing Blade System

Primary function: To effectively counteract and neutralize all land mines.
Manufacturer: Israel Military Industries

Weight: 4.5 tons (4.08 metric tons)
Length: 9.6 feet (2.92 meters)
Width: 14.9 feet (4.54 meters)
Height: 2.5 feet (2.29 meters)
Square: 143 square feet (13.30 square meters)
Cube: 346 cubic feet (10.38 cubic meters)

Weight: 600 pounds (272.4 kilograms)
Length: 3 feet (.914 meters)
Width: 1.5 feet (45.75 centimeters)
Height: 1.3 feet (39.65 centimeters)
Square: 4.2 square feet (.39 square meters)
Cube: 5.3 cubic feet (.159 cubic meters)
Electrical Power Cable Weight: 20 pounds (9.08 kilograms)
Electrical Power Cable Length: 15 feet (4.57 meters)

Units: 4 per USMC tank company
Introduction date: September 1990
Unit Replacement Date: $64,183

Features: The Mine Clearing Blade System for the M1A1 Main Battle Tank is an ancillary piece of support equipment. It is electrically operated and is capable of clearing surface or buried mines up to 6 feet in front of the tank's path without the aid of supporting forces or additional equipment. The MCBS has also been adapted for use with the previous Marine Corps Main Battle Tank, the M60A1 Rise/Passive Tank, which is still in the inventory. The adaptation is accomplished by using an adapter kit (described above in general characteristics) and an electrical power interface kit.

Inventory: 71

Background: The M1 Mine Clearing Blade System is an auxilliary piece of equipment necessary for the tank unit to breech minefields during the normal conduct of operations.

Date last modified: 11/29/95

Last Modified on June 17, 1999