M94 Muzzle Velocity System (MVS)

Primary function: To measure the muzzle velocity of field artillery weapons.
Velocity measuring range: 150-2000 meters per second
Caliber Range: 20mm and up
Projectile Types: Conventional, base-bleed, sabot-discarding, rocket-assisted, tracer ammunition, deep cavity
Accuracy: Within 0.05% of the true muzzle velocity
Firing Rate: 18 rds/min max
Power Requirement: Voltage: 18-33 VDC
Power consumption: 18w in standby mode, 30w in measure mode
Total Weight: <100 pounds
Data: Store all data in non-volatile memory (500 rds); accept operator input of porpellant temperature & projectile weight
Unit Replacement Cost: $25,134
Features: The MVS is a lightweight, state-of-the-art radar designed for employment with field artillery units. It uses the Doppler principle in conjunction with digital signal processing to measure weapon muzzle velocities and automatically correct them for nonstandard conditions. The MVS will enable artillery batteries to eliminate gross range bias errors, a large contributing factor to artillery inaccuracies. This system will measure all types of field artillery rounds, to include base-bleed and rocket assisted projectiles. It will be reliable, supportable, and easily maintained. The MVS will incorporate built-in-test capability for immediate fault isolation of system failures. The system will consist of an antenna, an antenna bracket assembly, remote display unit, antenna cable/cable reel, and a transport case. The system will interface with the already fielded Battery Computer System (BCS) Gun Display Unit/M90 Chronograph power interface cable once the cable is modified.
Background: The M94 MVS will replace the M90 Radar Chronograph at the battery level. The Marine Corps intends to field two M94s for every M90.
Date last modified: 12/15/95
Modified on June 17, 1999