Saratoga Chemical Protective Overgarment
Primary function: Improved chemical agent protective outerwear which provides protection to the entire body, feet, hands and face.
Protects against: Chemical agent vapors, aerosols, and droplets, and all known biological agents.
Protection period: 24 hours
Durability: 30 days continuous wear
Concentration resistance: 10mg/m2 challenge for chemical agents and any challenge (battlefield) for biological agents.
Length: Size dependent
Width: Size dependent
Height: Size dependent
Weight: approximately 4.7 pounds (2.13 kilograms)
Maximum effective temperature: 120° F (48.84° C)
Storage life: 13 years
Unit Replacement Cost: $184
Features: The Saratoga suit is the replacement for the currently fielded Overgarment 84 (OG-84). The suit consists of a coat and trousers. The coat features a full-length zippered opening covered by single protective flap, an integrated hood, hook, and pile sleeve closures. The trousers feature adjustable waist tabs, suspenders, and closures on the lower outside section of each leg. The suit can be worn over the duty uniform or undergarments. The suit is wearable in all environments and conditions and is compatible with the gloves, boots and mask. It is not degraded by fresh or salt water and is launderable.
The suit employs spherical carbon technology to provide effective body protection from all known chemical/biological warfare agents while offering the best possible flow conditions for body heat dissipation, so that the suit is as cool as possible. The outside layer of material is cotton rip stop that has been corpel treated. The Saratoga Suit, Glove Set, M40 series mask, and Green Vinyl Overshoe (GVO) will provide a complete Chemical/Biological Protective ensemble. The suit comes in small, medium, large, and x-large sizes.
Inventory: The Acquisition Objective is 654,000. 49% (300,000) of the AO has been procured. Additional procurement will be considered annually until the acquisition objective is achieved.
Date last modified: 05/21/96
Modified on June 17, 1999