AAR............... after-action review
ammo.............. ammunition
C ................ Centigrade
CLP............... cleaner, lubricant, preservative
cm................ centimeter(s)
CMF............... career management field
CS ............... a chemical agent (tear gas)
DA................ Department of the Army
DODAC ............ Department of Defense Ammunition Code
F................. Fahrenheit
FM................ field manual
FOV .............. field of view
FPL .............. final protective line
fps............... feet per second
FTX............... field training exercise
HE ............... high explosive
HEDP ............. high-explosive dual-purpose
hr................ hour(s)
IAW .............. in accordance with
IET............... nitial entry training
IOAC.............. Infantry officer advanced course
IOBC ............. Infantry officer basic course
IET............... initial entry training
KD................ known-distance (range)
kg................ kilogram(s)
kps .............. kilometers per second
LFX............... live-fire exercise
LTA............... local training area
METL ............. mission-essential task list
m................. meter(s)
min .............. minute(s)
mm................ millimeter(s)
MOPP.............. mission-oriented protective posture
MOUT ............. military operations on urbanized terrain
mph .............. miles per hour
mps .............. meters per second
MTA .............. major training area
MTP............... mission training plan
NBC .............. nuclear, biological, chemical
NCO .............. noncommissioned officer
NCOES ............ Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NCOIC ............ noncommissioned officer in charge
NSN .............. national stock number
NVD .............. night vision device
OAC .............. officer advanced course
OBC .............. officer basic course
OIC .............. officer in charge (of)
PD ............... point-detonating
PDF............... principal direction of fire
PMI .............. preventive maintenance inspection
PMT .............. preparatory marksmanship training
psi............... pounds per square inch
RETS ............. remoted target system
rpm .............. revolutions per minute
S2 ............... Intelligence Officer
S3 ............... Operations and Training Officer
S4 ............... Supply Officer
SEE .............. small emplacement excavator
SM ............... soldier's manual
SMCT ............. soldier's manual of common tasks
SOP............... standing operating procedure
SSN............... social security number
STP .............. soldier training publication
STX .............. situational training exercise
TP ............... training practice
TRADOC ........... Army Training and Doctrine Command