
Table of




AAR after action report

AP armor piercing

APC armored personnel carrier

approx approximately

attn attention

ba battery

BFA blank firing attachment

BFV Bradley fighting vehicle

BMP Soviet fighting vehicle

cal caliber

cdr commander

CLP cleaner, lubricant, and preservative

CVKI combat vehicle kill indicator

DA Department of the Army

FEBA forward edge of the battle area

FM field manual

FPF final protective fires

FPL final protective line

FSN federal stock number

FTX field training exercise

GA Georgia

HB heavy barrel

HMMWV high-mobility, multi-purpose, wheeled vehicle

IAW in accordance with

IN infantry

LFX live-fire exercise

LSA semifluid lubricating oil

LTA local training area

m meter

METL mission-essential task list

MG machine gun

MILES multiple integrated laser engagement system

mm millimeter

MOPP mission-oriented protection posture

mph miles per hour

MOUT military operations on urbanized terrain

MTA major training area

MTP mission training plan

NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical

NCO noncommissioned officer

NCOES noncommissioned officer education system

NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge

NSN national stock number

NVD night vision device

OIC officer in charge

PDF principal direction of fire

PL-M lubricating oil, general purpose

PL-S lubricating oil, special purpose

PMI preliminary marksmanship instruction

POI program of instruction

RABA recoil amplifier barrel assembly

RBC rifle bore cleaner

SM soldiers manual

SMCT soldiers manual of common tasks

SOP standing operating procedure

SRTA short-range training ammunition

SRTA-T short-range training ammunition-tracer

STP soldiers training publication

STX situational training exercise

T&E traversing and elevating

TM technical manual

TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command

TRP target reference point

US United States

v volt