Television Coverage
Sportchannel Ohio/Cincinnati -Chicago
6/17/96 7:30 pm
6/18/96 11:30 pm
6/24/96 7:30 pm
Sportchannel Florida
6/19/96 6:00 pm
6/23/96 9:00 am
6/30/96 6:00 pm
Sportschannel New England
6/13/96 1:30pm and 11:30 pm
6/28/96 10:00 pm
6/29/96 8:00 pm
Sportschannel - Philadelphia
6/16/96 3:00 pm
6/30/96 5:00 pm
PASS network - Michigan
6/20/96 7:30 pm
6/27/96 7:30 pm
Also viewing in Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho and Montana to 2.5 - 2.8
million homes. every thursday at 4:30pm, starting june 6th.
For more information contact Kris at 216-765-0026 evenings and 216-791-2206 days
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