M-2 Browning Machine Gun
.50 Caliber parts
TM 9-1005-213-25 | Technical Manual - The best .50 manual - Covers maintenance, tools, repair parts of the M2 HB, M3, and M63 mounts and vehicle applications. Updated (1968) edition with changes 1 & 2. Over 200 pages. | $9.95 |
TM 9-1005-213-10 | Techincal Manual - General informational Govt. manual on the M-2 .50 Caliber machine gun. | $3.75 |
7964436 | Spare Barel cover | $14.95 |
C64274 | Cleaning Rod Canvas Pouch (M-15) | $5.75 |
7819108 | Gun and Pedestal Cover | Inquire |
6591031 | Spare Barrel Cover with provisions for carry handle | $24.95 |
7148550 | Parts Storage Box - Originally made to hold spare bolts | $5.00 |
9127485 | Muzzle Cover - Rubberized | $15.00 |
M250 - 001 | Gun Cover with provisions for 100 round Canvas, new | $65.00 |
M250 - 002 | Rubberized Canvas, new | $65.00 |
M250 - 003 | Ammo Box attached to the Gun Canvas, used | $45.00 |
MILM11199 | Mitten for Hot Barrels | $12.00 |
7162099 | Cover / Base + Elevation (M-63 Only) | $20.00 |
9215821A | Cleaning Rod Case with Extra Room for Cleaning Accessories, new | $10.00 |
9215821B | Cleaning Rod Case with Extra Room for Cleaning Accessories, used | $5.00 |
11686597 | Tripod Head Cover | $17.50 |
6507328 | Tool Roll | $12.50 |
6507302 | Ordnance Roll for Spare Parts | $12.50 |
5559696 | Spare Parts Envelope | $3.50 |
7790737 | Ratchet Chamber Brush | $9.85 |
5082589 | Standard Chamber Brush | $6.50 |
7162704 | Swab Section | $3.50 |
5564102 | M-4 Cleaning Rod | $2.95 |
7162702 | Firing Pin Hole Brush | $3.50 |
6535441 | M-7 Cleaning Rod Set | $13.50 |
2052401 | Utility Soaking Brush | $5.00 |
M250 - 004 | M-6 One Piece Cleaning Rod | $9.95 |
5504307 | M-4 Bore Brush | $1.25 |
6108828 | M-6 Chamber Brush | $2.50 |
41-g-39 | Breechbore Gage | $75.00 |
M250 - 005 | "Star" Bore Gage for Rifles or Adaptable for M.G. Barrels ( at 5' Long ) | $150.00 |
M250 - 006 | B-17 Canvas Cover Fits on Top of this Turret | $295.00 |
M250 - 007 | Army Air Force B-17 Bomber Turret Cover. Used on Top Twin .50 Caliber Turret. (W.W.II) Original! New Condition. | $300.00 |
M250 - 008 | Ammunition Drum for .50 Caliber Mounts. Holds 200 rounds (without Crank) | $175.00 |
M250 - 009 | Night Vision Mount (Late Style) | $150.00 |
M250 - 010 | Night Vision Mount (Early Style) | $47.50 |
7162072 | Flash Hider | $38.00 |
M250 - 011 | K-8 Bomber Gun Sight. Two Piece Unit - Appear in Excellent Condition. We have no way to check the Electronics. 'As Is' | $1000.00 |
6580664 | Bag, Cartridge Canvas | $45.00 |
5561331 | Chute for Behicle Mounted Guns - Made to attach to Belt Holding Pawl Brackets | $35.00 |
M250 - 012 | M-2 .50 Caliber Link -
100 pcs
/$20.00 1000 pcs / $120.00 |
(Inquire for M-9 Links) |
5145190 | Anti - Aircraft Sight - Use: Water Cooled M.G. | $45.00 |
8683335 | Chute (has Built in Stripper Link) | $45.00 |
7407636 | Aircraft Chuting - We Have Two. Ours are at 5 feet long and were made by Hughes Aircraft of Foley Mfg. Chuting, Flexible - 180 degrees in 26" | $150.00 |
M250 - 013 | M-10 Subcaliber Device - Scarce - Used on Tank Main Guns. Helps Simulate Tank Fire at a Fraction of the Cost - Straps on the Barrel of a 76mm Gun or can be Adapted to other Diameter Tubes with a little work. | $250.00 |
M250 - 014 | Above M-10 Subcaliber Device with Single Shot Switch Box (Gun not Included). | $295.00 |
Need an Automatic Linking Machine to Turn Out Quick Professionally Loaded Belts? SARCO Has A Few Govt. Units Left. Inquire About Electronic Link Loading Machines. | ||
Here is an assortment
of the key parts you need to keep your Browning .50 caliber working. Over the years
we have seen these to be the parts most often ordered by our customers. We have
packed them in plastic and a waterproof G.I. ammo can so you can stash it away for that
rainy day when you may need some parts. .50 BMG Survival Pack Contents: (You will
receive one of each item). Extractor assembly, Firing pin, Top cover latch (A/C), Accelerator, Front sight, Front sight cover, Lock buffer body, Valve relief oil buffer, Belt feed pawl, Accelerator pin, Barrel lock spring, 23 buffer discs (new), Trigger bar pin, Top cover hinge pin, Belt feed pawl spring, Cover extractor spring, Cover latch spring, RSG studs (2 different), L.H. RSG spring, 2 front sight pins, Sear stop, Sear, Cocking lever, Sear slide, Bolt handle, RSG plunger, Cartridge stop, Trigger lever, Belt holding pawl pin, Four trunnion shims, Breech lock cam bolt & nut, Breech lock cam spring, Adjustable, Trigger bar nut, Buffer spring .That's over $330.00 worth of parts for $216.50 / set ! |
41-W-3249-850 | Combination Wrench (Butterfly) | $150.00 |
M250 - 015 | MG - 52 Combination Wrench | $85.00 |
C64278 | Belt Feed Lever Master Gage - Master for Field Service. Case included | $175.00 |
7160041 | Extractor, Ruptured Cartridge | $14.50 |
C-3922N | Ordnance Depot Level Headspace And Timing Gage | Inquire |
7146365 | M-20 Coupler / Disconnector | $35.00 |
7161766 | Tool, Combination Hook, Spanner, And Screwdriver | $100.00 |
A196228 | Gage, Headspace And Timing, Caliber .50 | $30.00 |
5564255 | Bore Reflector | P.O.R. |
7160900 | Wrench, Combo / Gage | Inquire |
M250 - 016 | Gage, Firing Pin Hole | $22.50 |
41-W-867-849 | Wrench Combo | $35.00 |
A152640 | Wrench, Holding Barrel | $8.50 |
M250 - 017 | Israeli Ruptured Cartridge Extractor - Shaft is about 1.5" Longer than The U.S. M-5 RCE | $9.95 |
41-W-867-786 | Wrench, Bearing | $75.00 |
7319902 | Gage, Profile | $150.00 |
5351217 | Headspace And Timing Gage | $25.00 |
7161816 | Buffer Spring Lock Release Tool | Inquire |
A76062 | Ejector Pin Gage (Go/No Go) | $65.00 |
A7312665 | Outside Free Adjusting Plunger Spring (Go/No Go) | $75.00 |
7188742 | Outside Free Back Plate Latch Lock Spring (Go/No Go) - For M-3 M.G. | $75.00 |
Original G.I. Tools And Gages - All Are In New Condition In The Government Protective Packaging. Complete Tool Kit (12 items) - $1095.00 (#4933-00-726-5830) |
8436748 | Spanner Wrench for Stop Upper Elevating Screw in the .50 Caliber M.G. Traverse & Elevating Mechanism. FSN 4933-00-077-2081 | $23.50 |
7799739 | Gage Firing Pin Protrusion FSN 4933-00-197-4421 | $25.00 |
5910287 | Gage Kit Barrel Erosion set with check Gage and Wood Chest FSN 4933-3005388 (old) FSN 5280-00-300-5338 (new) | $285.00 |
4736260 | Tool Box Portable FSN 5140-00-473-6260 | $42.50 |
6243646 | Tool Assembly Firing Pin FSN 4933-00-624-3646 | $23.50 |
6243646 | Wrench tube Handle Screws for Back Plate Handle Screw FSN 4933-00-624-3646 | $36.50 |
7106326 | Gage Oil Buffer Rod FSN 4933-00-710-6326 | $36.50 |
7185892 | Tool Assembly Bolt Latch FSN 4933-00-718-5892 | $275.00 |
7188742 | Wrench Spanner for Bolt Latch Rod Nut FSN 4933-718-8742 (old) FSN 5120-00-718-8742 (new) | $35.00 |
7319900 | Gage Breech Bore FSN 4933-00-731-9900 | $83.00 |
7319903 | Tool Assembly Oil Buffer FSN 4933-00-731-9903 | $385.00 |
7458406 | Gage Plug Plain Cylindrical Firing Pin Hole No Go Gage (Diameter .084) FSN 5220-507-7200 FSN 5220-00-917-1067 (alternate number) | $22.50 |
Barrel Extension Group Complete $295.00 |
5504082 | Barrel Extension Grade I, stripped | $275.00 |
5504082 | Barrel Extension Grade II, stripped | $195.00 |
5504082 | Barrel Extension Grade III, stripped | $125.00 |
5504082 | Barrel Extension Grade IV, stripped | $75.00 |
Grade II - IV Barrel Extensions are Pitted to Some Degree and Grade IV may need Thread / Torch Mark |
6008784 | Breech lock pin | $3.00 |
600978 | Shank | $35.00 |
7266124 | Ground Gun Spring Barrel Locking | $10.00 |
6008908 | Aircraft Spring Barrel | $6.00 |
7191302 | Lock, Breech (Late style) | $14.50 |
B8925 | Lock Breech (Early style) | $10.00 |
Note: Lock, Breech #7161302 is used with Lock, Accel Stop #716130 And Stop Accel #7161301. The Lock Breec #B8925 is used with Sear Stop #6008788. Consult Bolt Section for Matching Parts. |
7266820 | Buffer Assembly ( or 5504078) | $65.00 |
Note: There are 5 generations of buffer assemblies. We should have some of all types in stock. We can discuss your needs. Prices may vary. | ||
M250 - 018 | Late Buffer | $75.00 |
M250 - 019 | Buffer Assembly with Spring and Guide | $75.00 |
2005800 | Spring, Buffer | $7.50 |
6008782 | Guide, Buffer Spring | $12.50 |
5508146 | Tube, Barrel Buffer | $10.00 |
6147845 | Cap, Buffer | $12.50 |
500266 | Lock, Buffer Body | $6.00 |
6017169 | Head, Buffer | $10.00 |
6009830 | Rod, Oil Buffer Piston | $19.50 |
C145325 | Oil Buffer Tube Lock Assembly | $12.50 |
M250 - 020 | Oil Buffer Tube Lock Assembly without Tab for M3 | $13.50 |
6008790 | Accelerator | $16.50 |
6008790 | Pin, Accelerator | $3.50 |
6009712 | Depressor | $17.50 |
A9528 | Valve, Relief | $3.00 |
6009715 | Guide Screw, Buffer | $4.00 |
5509267 | Nut | $4.00 |
5315-234-1861 | Cotter Pin | $1.00 |
72666835A | Body, Barrel Buffer with Depressors - Grade I | $85.00 |
72666835B | Body, Barrel Buffer with Depressors - Grade II | $50.00 |
72666835C | Body, Barrel Buffer with Depressors - Grade III | $40.00 |
72666835D | Body, without Depressors | $75.00 |
72666835E | Body, without Depressors and Guides | $65.00 |
Buffer Assembly Group Complete $140.00 | ||
Backplate Group Complete $245.00 |
Backplate Group Complete without the Trigger and Release, Bolt Latch $225.00 | ||
9182618A | Backplate, stripped Grade I | $125.00 |
9182618B | Backplate, stripped Grade II | $80.00 |
9182618C | Backplate, stripped Grade III | $55.00 |
9182618D | Backplate, stripped Grade IV | $25.00 |
5009356 | Spring for Backplate Latch | $2.00 |
5504071 | Release, Bolt Latch | $20.00 |
6008918 | Trigger | $20.00 |
6147511 | Safety | $9.50 |
5013583 | Spacer | $4.00 |
5152896 | Spring | $4.00 |
9277273 | Lock, Backplate Latch | $9.50 |
6008949 | Latch Backplate | $9.50 |
5152835 | Buffer Disk | $.50 |
5152854 | Pin | $2.50 |
5152897 | Screw for Safety and Spring Assembly | $2.00 |
5009352 | Spring for Trigger and Release Bolt Latch | $2.00 |
5009394A | Screw, Handle | $4.50 |
5009394B | Screw, Handle (Early Type) | $4.50 |
7265562 | Sleeve, Buffer Tube | $15.00 |
5152834 | Plug, Buffer Tube Screw | $6.50 |
5152839 | Plunger | $2.00 |
6008937 | Upper Fram Handle | $12.00 |
6008936 | Lower Frame Handle | $12.00 |
5009275 | Pin for Latch and Trigger | $2.00 |
5152869 | Plate, Buffer | $5.00 |
73112517 | Pin, Lock | $2.00 |
77920586 | Solenoid Trigger Bar | $85.00 |
5009300 | Spring Plunger | $2.00 |
7265561A | Handle Grip | $9.00 |
7265561B | Handle Grip, Wood | $10.00 |
9182617 | Tube, Handle | $8.75 |
M250 - 021 | Upper Filler Piece | $4.00 |
7790586 | Trigger, Solenoid | $75.00 |
8732522 | Clamp Assembly | $20.00 |
6301524 | Clamp Assembly | $20.00 |
5152750 | Lower Filler Piece | $5.00 |
7739252 | Clip Assembly | $20.00 |
6243607A | Spring, Backplate Latch Lock (Late Style) | $3.00 |
6243607B | Spring, Backplate Latch Lock (Early Style) | $3.00 |
5262799 | Pin, Backplate Latch Lock - Only for B | $1.00 |
5504081 | Top Cover Stripped | $150.00 |
1001001 | Pin (Early) | $6.50 |
5009271 | Pin (Late) | $8.50 |
6261110 | Slide, Top Cover | $17.50 |
2368357 | Pin, Cotter Pin | $1.00 |
7312723 | Shaft Assembly | $16.50 |
6008931 | Spring, Cover Latch | $6.00 |
6008962 | Pin, Belt Feed Pawl | $4.50 |
5013545 | Washer | $2.00 |
5564278A | Belt Feed Lever - Grade I | $28.50 |
5564278B | Belt Feed Lever - Grade II | $22.00 |
6008928 | Latch, Cover | $10.00 |
6009741 | Spring, Cover Extractor | $6.00 |
6008914 | Arm, Belt Feed Pawl | $9.50 |
6008961 | Pawl, Belt Feed | $15.00 |
5013516 | Spring, Plunger | $2.00 |
2991191 | Pin, Belt Feed Lever | $2.50 |
5009351 | Spring, Belt Feed Pawl | $3.00 |
MS24665-151 | Pin, Cotter | $1.00 |
7312970 | Pin, Lock | $3.00 |
Top Cover Group Complete $235.00 | ||
M-10 Charger #7267982. Call in your Inquires on Individual Parts. $500 - $600 when available. | ||
5504080 | Barrel Carrying Handle, New - We have some Individual Parts on this. P.O.R. | $35.00 |
6147463A | Bolt Assembly, Stripped, Grade I | $350.00 |
6147463B | Bolt Assembly, Stripped, Grade II | $200.00 |
6147463C | Bolt Assembly, Stripped, Grade III | $75.00 |
6147463D | Demilled Bolt | $40.00 |
7310080 | Firing Pin (Late) | $7.75 |
6009718 | Cocking Lever | $12.50 |
7161300 | Lock, Accelerator Stop | $8.75 |
B17171 | Firing Pin (Early) | $4.50 |
7161300 | Stop, Accelerator | $8.75 |
5009353 | Firing Pin Extension Spring | $3.00 |
6008788 | Sear Stop - This is the Early Style Stop which has been Replaced by Lock, Accelerator Stop #7161300 and Stop Accerlerator #7161300 | $6.50 |
5504067 | Sear | $12.50 |
B8946 | Firing Pin Extension Assembly | $22.50 |
7312078 | Pin, Cocking Lever | $7.75 |
5504062 | Switch, Bolt | $16.50 |
2098720 | Sear Spring | $2.00 |
5009382 | Pin, Retaining Spring Firing Pin Extension | $2.00 |
5359273 | Sear Slide | $7.85 |
5013529 | Pin | $6.50 |
6008583 | Auxillary Bolt Handle | $17.50 |
Bolt Group - Complete Bolt Based on Grade I Bolt, Early Style Sear Stop and Firing Pin. Does Not Include Drive Spring Assembly $450.00 - For Late Style Parts $465.00 | ||
5564305 | Complete Drive Spring Rod Assembly | $20.00 |
6147510 | Inner Drive Spring | 45.00 |
6147509 | Outer Drive Spring | $6.00 |
7313288 | Rod with Pin #5152899 | $13.50 |
5152900 | Collar | $5.00 |
5152898 | Pin | $3.00 |
AN-M2 Aircraft Barrels New shipment expected please inquire. |
M-2 Heavy Barrel - Standard Unlined Barrels (28 lbs, 45", Rifle Twist 1 Turn in 15", 8 Lands And Grooves |
M250 - 029 | New | $300.00 |
M250 - 030 | Like New | $250.00 |
M250 - 031 | Very Good - Excellent | $200.00 |
M250 - 032 | Good | $150.00 |
M250 - 033 | Fair (Blaster) | $100.00 |
M250 - 034 | Decorator (Dummy) | $65.00 |
M250 - 035 | Water Cooled Barrel | $600.00 |
M250 - 036 | MG52 Colt Barrel | $450.00 |
M250 - 037 | Swedish A.C. Barrel | P.O.R. |
M250 - 038 | Jacket For Water Cooled M-2 Partially Stripped | $595.00 |
7266131 | Stellite LIned Heavy Barrel - New or Like New | $600.00 |
M250 - 039 | W.W.II Barrel with Smooth Uniform Middle Section | $300.00 |
5013692 | Torsion Spring, Retracting Slide for Right Side Mounting of the R.S.G. | $4.00 |
5013691 | Torsion Spring, Retracting Slide for Left Side Mounting of the R.S.G. | $4.00 |
9505-804-3814 | Wire, Securing | $1.00 |
5305-726-5596 | Screw | $2.00 |
1005-997-8793 | Retracting Slide Bracket | $95.00 |
C46029 | Retracting Slide Bracket - Aircraft Type | $95.00 |
1005-600-8990 | Plunger | $3.50 |
1005-614-7893 | Slide Retracting | $16.50 |
1005-614-7085 | Lever, Retracting Slide | $16.50 |
5315-501-3687 | Pin, Headless | $2.00 |
5315-501-3694 | Pin, Headless | $4.00 |
1005-631-3800A | Handles, Retracting Slide, New | $16.50 |
1005-631-3800B | Handles, Retracting Slide, Used | $7.50 |
5315-501-3424 | Pin, Shoulder Headless | $4.50 |
1005-600-8993 | Stud, Retracting Slide | $3.50 |
5310-501-3686 | Nut | $4.00 |
5306-501-3681 | Bolt, Shoulder | $8.50 |
1005-501-3693 | Spring, Plunger | $2.00 |
1005-501-3697 | Washer | $2.00 |
5307-631-3822 | Stud, Shoulder | $4.50 |
5013541 | Stripper, Link | $9.50 |
5013539 | Stop, Front Cartridge | $9.50 |
5013540 | Stop, Rear Cartridge | $9.50 |
5013565 | Lock, Brl. Support | $3.75 |
8423044 | Cotter Pin | $1.00 |
5013566 | Spring | $2.00 |
5013530 | Screw, Bearing | $3.50 |
5152939 | Nut, Breechlock Cam | $3.00 |
5504091 | Barrel Support | $150.00 |
6008920 | Bearing, Barrel | $20.00 |
6008943 | Spring, Extr. Switch | $3.50 |
8151405 | Cotter Pin | $1.00 |
5152938 | Screw, Breech Lock | $2.75 |
6147583 | Cam, Lock Breech | $29.75 |
6257592 | Lever, Trigger (Late Style) | $25.00 |
6257592 | Lever, Trigger (Early Style) | $12.50 |
7162872 | Pin, Belt Hold Pawl | $8.50 |
6147461 | Switch, Extractor | $26.50 |
5013556 | Nut, Extr. Switch | $3.00 |
5140428 | Spring, Breech Lock Cam | $5.00 |
5013612 | Plunger | $2.00 |
6008975 | Pawl, Cartridge | $7.50 |
5013611 | Plunger | $2.00 |
5012613 | Spring, Pawl Plunger | $2.00 |
5577408 | Stop, Rear Cartridge | $22.50 |
Trunnion Block (#M250 - 021) |
M250 - 040 | #1 .0585" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 041 | #2 .0610" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 042 | #3 .0635" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 043 | #4 .0660" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 044 | #5 .0685" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 045 | #6 .0710" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 046 | #7 .0735" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 047 | #8 .0760" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 048 | #9 .0785" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 049 | #10 .0810" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 050 | #11 .0835" Thick | $8.50 |
M250 - 051 | #12 .0860" Thick | $8.50 |
B2611098 | Pawl, Belt Holding, Early Style (several styles) | $18.50 |
7313083 | Pawl, Belt Holding, Late Style | $26.50 |
6008934 | Front Sight Blade | $10.00 |
6008935 | Cover, Front Sight | $10.00 |
M250 - 022 | Belt Holding Spring | $2.00 |
M250 - 023 | Receiver Rivet Set (80 Rivets) | $50.00 |
5013588 | Front Sight Cover Block, Aircraft | $12.50 |
5013546 | Pin, Front Sight | $2.00 |
6008939 | Cover, Top Plate, Aircraft | $20.00 |
7313106A | Trigger Lever Pin, Early Style | $8.50 |
7313106B | Trigger Lever Pin, Mid Style | $10.00 |
7313106C | Trigger Lever Pin, Late Style | $12.50 |
7313069 | Pawl, Cover Detent (Late Style) | $7.50 |
5971201A | Spring, Pawl Cover Detent (Late) | $2.00 |
5971201B | Spring Pawl Cover Detent (Early) | $3.00 |
6008515 | Pawl, Cover Detent (Early Style) | $5.50 |
M250 - 024 | Complete Bolt Latch Assembly | $85.00 |
5504060 | Latch, Bolt Rec. (Late) | $45.00 |
6008919 | Rod, Bolt Latch | $25.00 |
2341861 | Pin, Cotter | $1.00 |
5013524 | Pin, Bolt Latch Plunger | $2.50 |
5013527 | Spring, Bolt Latch | $6.50 |
2991192 | Spring, Plunger | $2.00 |
5013523 | Pin, Bolt Latch | $3.00 |
5013526 | Nut | $4.00 |
5013623A | Nut, Bolt Latch (Early Style) - only needed on Early Style | $5.00 |
5013623B | Nut, (Early Style) - only needed on Early Style | $4.00 |
Receiver Parts Set - U.S. Made Guns were stripped with Great Care. The Followering are Included: Left sideplate, Cam extractor, Top plate, Bolt latch bracket, Bottom plate, Trunnion, Barrel bearing, Rivet Set, B.H.P. brackets (left and right). All Parts are in Excellent Condition. $850.00 | ||
5504059 | Left Belt Hold Pawl Bracket | $65.00 |
6128730 | Right B.H.P.B. | $65.00 |
C4061 | Bracket, Bolt Latch | $50.00 |
6147817 | Bracket, Top Plate | $50.00 |
D28263 | Top Plate | $125.00 |
D28257 | Bottom Plate | $125.00 |
5009373 | Cam, Extractor | $35.00 |
D28261 | Left Hand Side Plate | $250.00 |
6528264 | Trunion | $350.00 |
Demilled Receiver Parts are Available as well as Demilled Internal Parts - P.O.R. |
Complete Rear Sight (Late Style) Milled and Stamped $125.00 |
A153191 | #1 - Screw | $4.00 |
8454231 | #2 - Pin | $1.25 |
6008809 | #3 - Knob, Windage | $4.00 |
5013155 | #4 - Plunger | $4.75 |
5013154 | #5 - Spring, Plunger | $1.25 |
5013160 | #6 - Screw, Windage | $8.50 |
5013253 | #7 - Bushing | $7.00 |
3368608 | #8 - Leaf Assembly | $57.00 |
5013167 | #9 - Screw, W.S. | $1.25 |
5013607 | #10 - Scale, Windage | $6.00 |
7265577 | #11a - Spring, Base | $4.75 |
M250 - 025 | #11b - Spring, Base late style only | $5.75 |
7791575 | #12a - Base Milled | $50.00 |
7791575 | #12b - Base - Latest generation | $40.00 |
M250 - 026 | #13 - Bushing late style only | $7.00 |
M250 - 027 | #14 - Spacer late style scale only | $7.00 |
We Offer both Milled and Stamped Bases. |
Complete Rear Sight (Early Style) $150.00 |
D28338 | A - Base | $85.00 |
A152410 | B - Screw | $15.00 |
A152411 | C - Spring | $4.00 |
B8584 | D - Clamp | $20.00 |
A152408 | E - Handle | $20.00 |
A13620 | F - Spring | $3.00each |
Water Cooled Sight - We Have Some Parts for the Standard Water Cooled Sight - Inquire! |
.50 Caliber Browning Dummy M.G. Kits At last an inexpensive kit for those who want a display only (nonshooter) .50 cal. machine gun. These display guns are great for putting on military vehicles, gun shop displays, etc. We will supply you with a set of all the neccessary parts to put together a gun, that looks complete form the outside - the inner parts are not included as they don't show and have no function in a dummy. As indicated below some parts will be original intact parts, others will be GD II or Demil parts thata can be repaired. The demil parts will be repairable and not total scrap, but they will have some sort of torch cut on them (grade II parts will have some wear or pitting on them). M2HB "Dummy" Kit - $695.00 ANM2 Aircraft Dummy Kit - $645.00
.50 Dummy Kit Contents Call for additional information on our .50 and .30 caliber MG rebuild kits. |
CALIBER BROWNING "DUMMY" M.G. KIT DELUXE .50 MD2 HB KIT M2HB KIT If you wish the ANM2 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION, we can supply this with a G.I. Original barrel $2275.00 AN/M2 AIRCRAFT KIT without the receiver parts $1575.00 Extra Accessory List for .50 M2 Internal Bolt Latch Assembly $85.00
M63 Mount (Combo, AA & Ground) $950.00 |
M250 - 028 | Shaw Type Link Loader Made by F.N. Similar to the Colt Made MG-52 Link Loader | Inquire |
10541521 | Borescope - Uses the M-62 Type Elbow Telescope | $295.00 |
716003 | M-7 Link Loader and De-Links | $75.00 |
7161200 | M-12 Hand Linker | $35.00 |
M250 - 029 | M-15 Belt Repositioning Machine - Original Military Device used to realign loaded .50cal. belts. Loosely fit ammo is forced back in place as the crank is turned. | $595.00 |